Thermal Sprayed unique coatings for improvement of Hot Dip Galvanizing an Hot Dip Aluminising process rolls like: Pot-, Stabilizor- and Correction rolls for Wear resistance-, lifetime– and dross stick reduction.
- Aluminising, campagne length compared to conventionel coatings; factor 4 and more!
- Bearing bushes, sleeves and cups.
- Pot roll carrier arms.
- Galvanising, reducuction/elimination of sink-dross stick resulting in longer stretched quality strip campaigns (click for picture)
- Bearing bushes, -sleeves and -cups.
- Snout improvement.
- Pot roll carrier arms.
- Coatings, Chromium-, Tungsten carbide, TBC, etc. for Process Rolls like:
- Furnace rolls.
- Bridle-, Accumulator rolls.
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